The Urge to Purge

Written By Susan Hanks, Hanks Realty Group Stager
Whether a move is in your near future or not, the new year always brings on the urge to purge!
Over the next couple of days, I plan to scour every nook and cranny for holiday decor and get back to a more streamlined Winter look around here! The excess of the holiday decor begins to wear on me after Christmas and New Year’s pass!
We sat down with the kids last weekend and made our goals for 2024… a list of 10 things we each would like to accomplish in the coming year. Cleaning out some area is always on my list! And purging some holiday fluff too! 😜

We have been studying Joseph in the book of Genesis as a family and it struck us that we are thankful to God (the way Joseph’s father Jacob was) for all His blessings on us, and wanted to show Him how thankful we are. In the spirit of giving a sacrifice to God to demonstrate our thanks, we came up with doing a family fast of added sugars from our diets, starting after all the holiday and birthday celebrations end! Here’s to hoping this will be a purge that lasts longer than the fast! 😃
We at Hanks Realty Group pray blessings over all your New Year’s purges! In all arenas I think this motto could be helpful: Purge what’s superfluous and hold onto what is meaningful and useful!
Happy New Year from us and ours to you and yours!